Sunday, November 13, 2011
KRANNERT AUDITORIUM, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana
1:30 PM - Registration
2:00 PM - Conference Opening Session
Session Chair: Susan Prohofsky
Mayors’ Proclamation: Mayor John Dennis, West Lafayette & Mayor Tony Roswarski, Lafayette
Candle lighting, accompanied by “Ani Ma’amim – The Anthem of the Victims”
Candle of Remembrance: Survivors
Candle of Hope: Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren of Survivors
Memorial Prayer: Rabbi Audrey Pollack, Temple Israel
Musical Tribute: Psalm 90:In Every Age,
Music by Dr. Brad Bodine & the St. Thomas Aquinas Singers
2:40 PM - Opening Remarks - Representative Sheila Klinker
3:00 PM - Israel Nussbaum in Memoriam
The Sixth Rabbi Gedalyah Engel Lecture
Peter Hays, Professor of English, University of California, Davis
4:00 PM - "Coming to America" -
Herbert Hochhauser, Professor Emeritus, Kent State University
5:30 PM - Kosher Dairy Dinner Buffet ($20, adults; $3, students)
Purdue Memorial Union,, Anniversary Drawing Room, second floor
RSVP by 11/10: Pay at door.
Krannert Auditorium, Purdue University
7:00 PM - Memories of Kristallnacht: We were There
Johanna Gartenhaus, Joseph Haberer
Moderator: Anna Berkovitz
Monday, November 14, 2011
Hillel Foundation, 912 W. State St., W. Lafayette
9:00 AM - University Religious Leaders
Breakfast and Conversation with Peter Hays and Herbert Hochhauser
Moderated by Joseph Haberer, Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Purdue University
Fowler Hall, Stewart Center, Purdue University
7:30 PM - “The Integration of Little Rock Central High School: A 50 Year Perspective”
Elizabeth Eckford, Ken Reinhardt, Ann Wedaman
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
West Lafayette Public Library, 208 W. Columbia St.
4:30 PM - Heroes of the Holocaust: A Workshop for Teachers
presented by Rabbi Shira Leibowitz