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In The News: 4/14 WBAA: GL Holocaust Remembrance Conference Preview
2919 Gedalyah Engel Education Award - Apply Now
Saturday, April 14, 2018
6:30 PM
Temple Israel, 620 Cumberland Ave., West Lafayette
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony will include lighting of the Flame of Remembrance, a traditional Jewish “yahrtzeit” lamp, which commemorates the anniversary of the death of deceased relatives. A barbed wire around it represents lives lost in death camps. It is lit by a survivor. A Candle of Hope, a white taper, is lit by survivors’ descendants.
The ceremony also will include performances by the Lafayette Children’s Choir and a program by members of the Lafayette Jewish Community Religious School.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
1:00-5:00 PM
Hiler Theater, Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Purdue University
Click here for Parking Information
Rabbi Gedalyah Engel Lecturer
Susan Abrams
CEO, Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
Preserving Memory, Sparking Important Conversations, and Transforming our Future
Abrams will discuss how Illinois Holocaust Museum has become a global leader in preserving memory, sparking important conversations, and empowering visitors to transform our future. She will focus on the development of the Museum’s groundbreaking Take a Stand Center, a four gallery exhibition named by Smithsonian Magazine as one of the 12 top exhibitions globally in fall of 2017. Abrams will weave in the history of the Museum and its approach to the Holocaust, social justice, and human rights issues that have enabled it to become a leader in the fields of Holocaust and museum education.
Lee Hamilton
Distinguished Scholar, School of Global and International Studies and Professor of Practice, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
Civic Engagement: We All Have a Role
Former Congressman Hamilton will draw upon his years of experience in national politics and public service to offer perspective on the role and responsibility of citizens in promoting community dialogue, influencing public policy, and combatting the forces of hatred and discrimination.
Award Presentation
Gedalyah Engel Education Awards to teachers
Presentations & Discussions
Brief presentations by local community groups followed by roundtable small group discussions.
Immigrant Allies
Pride Lafayette
Diversity Round Table
Muslim Neighbors
Interfaith League of Greatr Lafayette
LUM Immigrant Clinic
Monday, April 16, 2018
4:30 PM, Lawson 1142, Purdue University
Workshop for Educators
Click here for more information
2017 & 2018 Engel Education Award Recipients
Click here for more information
April 16 & 18, 2018
6:30, West Lafayette Public Library
Film Series
The Zookeeper’s Wife
Click here for more information
Discussion to follow each film.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
7:00 PM, McCutcheon High School Auditorium
Student Performance
Dark Road
The story of two young sisters living in Nazi Germany by Laura Lundgren Smith
Click here for more information
Mission Statement
The goals of the Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Committee, initiated by Rabbi Gedalyah Engel and the Mayors of Lafayette and West Lafayette in 1981, are to continue awareness of the Nazis' War against the Jews from 1933-1945, to honor the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, and to promote individual, community, and media responsibility for combating the forces of prejudice, hatred, and discrimination today.
Download Flyer: 2018 GLHRC Flyer (full res)
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© 2017 Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Conference Committee.
Archive: Past Conferences